stay hungry stay foolish
He died after the iphone4s publication.Some people think iphone4s means ‘iphone for steave’.
When first iphone was released, I can’t understand its concept.Why he convine ipod and mobilephone?
I was surprised at its application. It is not mobile phone, but something act for PC. Application means softwear, and they said ‘softwear will eat world’.
Bondi blue imac is my first PC I pay for it my money. The machine have only 4GB hard disk. But I loved it.
Now I write this blog by ipad. Before ipad was released, we don’t know what we want. He indicate the way. We call them like him ‘visionary’. He had his own clear vision of future of the world.
Obama says Jobs visionary, great American innovator
“Steve was among the greatest of American innovators – brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it,” Obama said in a statement.
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