Subscribe to the guerrilla organization, can you change the circumstances?
I am a 15 year old boy. Adults around, as my parents did so, and I noticed that when incorporated into guerrilla organization.
From birth until the year has been forced to become a guerrilla fighter without any doubt.
I have continued since I was born as a guerrilla is right thing. To escape before the enemy has been taught it would be unfair.
People that are all around, has been taught as such.
Cause and effect or what, you come to that organization.
You are the owner of an anti-war consciousness, and think it would be bad guerrilla organization.
Or extension of an origin of terrorism is because they believe that guerrilla organization.
You are trying to convince people that the organization desperately.
Guerilla bad thing, There is no meening for something like this, there is a better solution, where has been more different I was.
I have been raised as a weapon from a child, or you will be able to persuade my companions.
The more you try to convince, you were alienated from the organization, bought a backlash, would be subject to retaliation.
The same might be said to work.
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